Bodyweight Leg Workout 4

Body Weight Leg Workout

3 sets

1. 3 Way Lunge R – 30 reps

2. Jump Lunge Jumps R – 10 reps

3. 1 legged deadlift R- 15 reps

4. 3 Way Lunge L – 30 reps

5. Jump Lunge Jumps L – 10 reps

6. 1 Legged Deadlift L – 15 reps

7. Prisoner Squats – 20 reps

8. Prisoner In & Out Jump Squats – 20 reps

9. Glute Bridges – 20 reps

10.  Bridge Leg Drops & Pulse Ups R – 20 each

11. Bridge Leg Drops & Pulse Ups L – 20 each


10 Competition Burpees

10 Plank Jacks

Full Body Weighted Circuit Workout 3

50’s work – 10,s rest

3 sets

1. Squat, Clean & Press

2. Side to Side Pushups, 8 mountain climbers

3. Lat Lunge, Reverse Lunge & Curl Alt

4. Plank Climbers, Plank Jack & Froggers

5. Forward Lunge & 1 Legged Deadlift Alt

6. 1/2 Swing & full Swing

7. Burpee Plank Row & Press Alt

8. Goblet Squat & Press

9. Lying Tricep Ext & Leg Raises

10. Deadlift & Row

Bodyweight 10 min HITT interval workout


Bodyweight 10 min hitt interval workout

1 min work, 10’s rest

One arm burpee

V ups

2 jump lunge, tuck jump

Plyo switch push ups

Star jacks burpee

Plank kick out touch toe

180degree jump squat

Spider pushup


8 wide hop squats, 8 wide push ups

Total Body Sculpt & Tone Workout

This workout is a total body workout.  It will make you burn some serious calories.  I would suggest pairing this with 20 min cardio.


20 Reps Each Exercise.

x 3-5 sets

1. Side to Side Squats
2. 4 Mountain Climbers pushup
3. Hammer curl punch
4. Alt Rev Lunges with hands up
5. Quick Bent over row
6. Curtsy Lunge press R
7. Curtsy Lunge press L
8. Renegade row spider plank
9. Deadlift calf raise


15min full bodyweight hitt workout


equipment used- resistance band and gymboss timer

15 min full bodyweight hitt workout
interval 50/10
3-4 sets
5 min cardio before each set
1. jump squat
2. pushup tuck
3. 2 jump lunge kick up alt
4. pushups into v-pushup
5. prison sumo squat
6. dive bomber into down dog touch toe alt
7. resistance band pulldowns / use dumbbells and do bent over row
8. burpees
9. resistance band rev grip pulldowns/use dumbbells and do rev grip bent over row
10. knees in and frog ins

Full body sculpt and burn

Full Body sculpt & burn

20 reps each exercise

2-3 sets

5 min warm

I did 5min skipping

total calories burned approx 700


  1. front squat in and out
  2. 4 mt climbers & 1 pushup
  3. curl & press out
  4. Hands up alt rev lunges
  5. bent over row punch
  6. curtsy lunge & press (L)
  7. curtsy lunge& press (R)
  8. renegade row & spider plank
  9. deadlift

Attack Upper Body Hitt Workout


This is a total upper body workout, with some cardio in between. Intense.

8 exercises
4 burpee box jump inbetween each exercise

1.Seated shoulder press
2.Skull crusher
3.Close grip press
4.Chest flyes
5.Trx rev flyes
6.Trx pullup, elbows out
7.Trx pullup, elbows in
8.Alt bicep curls

Transformer those legs and butt workout

Lets blast those legs and butt today.  This workout is awesome, I have to say my butt was on fire the next day.  Enjoy

10 exercises

30’s cardio inbetween each exercise – skipping, high knees, jumping jacks, stair runs….

With these exercises you can choose to use weights or not, still very much effective

1.Deficit lunge left – 10

2.1 legged deadlift left  – 10

3.Deficit lunge right – 10

4.1 legged deadlift – 10

5.Jack jump squats – 20

6.DB squats – 20

7.Step up kick left – 10

8.Bulgarian split squat left – 10

9.Step up kick right – 10

10. Bulgarian split squat right – 10