Pumpkin Lentil Soup

pumpkin lentil soup


Yummy Yummy Yummy!!!! This soup is not only healthy but it is also so satisfying


1 cup of red lentils

1 cup of pumpkin cut into cubes

1 onion

2 garlic cloves chopped

1/2 tsp cumin

salt and pepper to taste

enough water to cover pot about 2-3 cups



Saute onion and garlic until tender

add rest of ingredients

Let simmer until pumkin and lentils are soft

You can either put mixture into  a blender or use an immersion blender which is what i did and wiz away.. Yes it is that easy.

Season to taste.


Cauliflower Rice

Cauliflower rice


Surprisingly this actually tasted really yummy.  I have to say I did have my doubts, it surprised me.

Its really easy only ingredient is cauliflower.


I chopped up the cauliflower into florets, put it in the food processor until it had a rice consistency.

I then cut up some onion and garlic and pan cooked the cauliflower the the onion and garlic for about 10 min.  And voila its ready.


NB Its rice so you can make this into a fried rice or anything that you want.


Asian Tofu

Asian tofu

Asian Tofu


1 Firm Block of Tofu( make sure to drain and dry the tofu)

1 Tbsp Hoisin Sauce

2 Tbsp Soy Sauce

2 Garlic cloves chopped

You can add some siracha for some spice

Spring onion to garnish


Mix All ingredients from Hoisin sauce to garlic

Cut tofu into squares and pan fry(I used coconut oil)

When done stir in the mixture and garnish with spring onion.

You can pair this with noodles or rice and vegetables.  To be honest I love it all by itself.



15min full bodyweight hitt workout


equipment used- resistance band and gymboss timer



15 min full bodyweight hitt workout
interval 50/10
3-4 sets
5 min cardio before each set
1. jump squat
2. pushup tuck
3. 2 jump lunge kick up alt
4. pushups into v-pushup
5. prison sumo squat
6. dive bomber into down dog touch toe alt
7. resistance band pulldowns / use dumbbells and do bent over row
8. burpees
9. resistance band rev grip pulldowns/use dumbbells and do rev grip bent over row
10. knees in and frog ins

Quinoa tabbouleh

This has now been added to being a favourite… So full of nutrients and flavour but yet so simple.  You need to give this a try.  I have had it in a corn wrap with hummus and also with a bowl of vegan chilli.


1 cup cooked quinoa

1 1/2 cup of flat leaf parsley finely chopped

3 tbsp lemon juice

1 tbsp mint finely chopped

1 1/2 tbsp chive

4 medium sized tomatoes chopped

I eye balled the olive oil as I don’t like things swimming in oil. I may have put a tbsp of olive oil

I added in avocado

options – you can add in cucumbers /avocados



Mix everything together, refrigerate and enjoy.


quinoa tabbouleh


Cashew cinnamon homemade milk

This is my first time making cashew milk,oh my goodness soo creamy and soo yummy.  Definitely a keeper.


1 cup cashews soaked for about 6 hours

3 cups of water

1 tsp vanilla essence

1 tsp cinnamon powder

4 dates


blend drained cashews with the 3 cups of water

add rest of ingredients and blend again…

cashew milk


Full body sculpt and burn

Full Body sculpt & burn

20 reps each exercise

2-3 sets

5 min warm

I did 5min skipping

total calories burned approx 700


  1. front squat in and out
  2. 4 mt climbers & 1 pushup
  3. curl & press out
  4. Hands up alt rev lunges
  5. bent over row punch
  6. curtsy lunge & press (L)
  7. curtsy lunge& press (R)
  8. renegade row & spider plank
  9. deadlift

Cashew and Almond butter

This recipe is so easy, with no additives, extra sweetners or salt and so much cheaper than the store bought kind…

Roast nuts 400 degrees, until you start to smell them.  Take them out as the can burn quite easily

Roasted cashews and almonds


Throw them into a food processor, stop every few minutes to wipe down sides.  Process until it becomes a creamy texture, about 10 minutes

Cashew and Almond butter

Callalloo Soup

Vegan, Gluten free, Fat free

This soup is so yummy and full of vegetables and nutrients… its the new and improved callalloo soup.   I am from the caribbean so callalloo is something like collard greens, so in place of the callalloo you use water spinach.


  • Callallo bush
  • kale
  • pumpkin
  • ochra
  • zucchini
  • carrots
  • onion
  • garlic
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • some hot sauce always helps too

callallo ingredients


Saute in a dutch oven ingredients from pumpkin to garlic until tender.  Add water, then add kale and callallo until tender and all ingredients have boiled down.  Take an immersion blender and blend away until smooth, add salt and pepper to taste.
